Petting for your soul
Massages at lace Constance
Experience a wonderful sense of well-being, triggered by a deep-acting massage. All of our classic massages are applied according to your individual body sensations. Through targeted kneading of the muscles, tension and hardness are gently relaxed, the blood circulation is promoted and the metabolism is improved. Finally, you feel a sense of relaxation that makes you forget everyday life.
Classic massages
Special massage strokes make your back and neck area feel relaxed
again. Used for tensions, tiredness and stress.
Combined massage for optimal wellbeing.
Stimulates blood circulation, activates metabolism and mobilizes muscles and connective tissue. This massage is relaxing and soothes joints and nerves for general wellbeing.
During sports massage, the muscles of the musculoskeletal system are relaxed and thereby regenerated. Ideal before and after sport. A refreshing aromatic oil mixture also promotes blood circulation.
A head-shoulder-neck massage that relaxes tension and makes you feel
The reflex zones are massaged with thumb pressure and stimulated to have a positive effect on the metabolism and
the organs.
Harmonious, flowing massage strokes with an activating, balancing or
soothing aroma oil provide relaxation and tranquility.
Relaxing, rhythmic massage grips improve the flow of lymph,
detoxify tissues and supply the cells with nutrients.
For detoxification, drainage and decongestion.

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Exotic massages
A journey for the senses
In this Indian art of healing, polished lava stones, which are heated
to about 50°C, are used to relax the energy centers of the body and
create an intensive feel-good effect.
This “queen†of massages comes from Hawaiian traditional healing arts and combines body, mind and soul. The combination of tropical oil and flowing movements dissolving deep layers of the body from stress, anxiety and muscle tension.
Rejuvenate your skin with a refreshing, full body peeling. The sugar or sea salt body scrub is gently applied and soothingly massaged into your skin.
The Ayurvedic medicine belongs to the oldest health systems and has its origins in India. The science of Ayurveda combines harmony with your inner strengths – the basis for a fulfilling and healthy life.
Relaxing oil treatments strengthen your holistic well-being, your vitality and power.

Ayurvedic massages
Made with warm oil, the full-body massage is one of the most soothing and effective treatments of Ayurvedic health. It combines in a harmonious way several techniques that serve the deep relaxation and vitalization of the body.
Your feet will be soothed, calmed, balanced and harmonized with warm herbal oils. Padabhyanga massages are relaxing and calming. It releases stress and tension and contributing to a healthy and refreshing sleep.
Shirodhara is a form of Ayurveda therapy that involves gently and rhythmically pouring liquids over the forehead, which is immensely calming for the nervous system. It is combined with a neck and head massage and can provide relief for headaches, muscle tension, insomnia, stress, and depressive moods.Â
Contact & Inquiry
Ganter Hotel & Restaurant Mohren
Pirminstr. 141
D – 78479 Insel Reichenau